Full Name: Nilaes Asura Examinis
Age: Unknown (appears to be in 20's)
Birth Date: November 02
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8
Race: Ignotum
Species: Death Hound
Blood Type: Unknown
Nickname(s): Nil or Niles
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Unknown

Likes: His family. Fall weather. Fighting. Learning. The moon. Night. Darkness. Sweets. Music. Silence. Animals. Nature. Kink.Dislikes: When people ask him too many questions. Being bothered. Being told what to do. Animal abuse. If people hurt his family.Hobbies: Training. Fighting. Being alone. Watching others. Art. Streaming. Making Music.Personality Traits: Cold. Distant. Rude. Dominating. Authoritative. Defiant. Sadistic. Evil. Dark. Creative. Passionate. Caring. Protective. Aggressive. Proud. Honest. Dutiful. Kind. Respectful. Open-minded. Strong willed. Intelligent. Sarcastic. Wild. Strange. Carefree. Laid back. Calm. Loyal. Stubborn.What's an Ignotum?: The Ignotum are heartless beings that are extremely rare to the point only one family exists. They aren’t considered Demon, Angel or Human even though they may have similar characteristics. Their origin can be traced back to the beginning of the Nether realm.

Art By Sara_Hana99
Rigging by Ayuu_Chan3l

Nilaes can create, shape and manipulate the "chthonian element" and the substance that makes up the Nether, a realm between the living and dead. Its very similar to “the celestial element” in that it is from a plane that exists between the planes of both matter, and energy.Like the celestial element, chthonian is a spiritual element, which means it cannot be perceived by any physical sense. It represents the destructive dark part of reality and as such all such forces are derived from it. The only way nether can be physically seen is if it were mixed with an element of the physical realm, with darkness, fire, or earth being the most common choices.

Cthonikinesis: Nilaes has the power to generate, conjure, and manipulate the chthonian element, the essence that flows through the realms of the Living and the Dead. The source of powers such as Death-Force Manipulation, Dark Arts, Necromancy, and Mediumship. Not to be confused with Dark Energy Manipulation. Opposite to Celestial Element Manipulation.Cthonikinetic Combat: He can combine the powers of a chthonian element with his physical combat. With this ability Niles possesses undead or spiritual abilities when wielding the underworld element.Chthonian Physiology: Nil's body is completely made up of the chthonian element. He also embodies the Nether and has limitless control over it. Opposite to Ethereal Physiology and Embodiment.Chthonian Infusion: Niles can infuse objects (usually a weapon) with the chthonian element, allowing him to manipulate their qualities and efficiency and allowing a variety of effects to be used through the object.Chthonian Constructs: Niles has the ability to create near-indestructible, otherworldly constructs out of a substance that acts as both Matter and Energy, but at the same time being neither one. He can change nether into tools, objects, weapons, and other items, create semi-living constructs, and/or create structures/buildings of varying permanence. Users who have mastered this ability can use it for almost any situation, creating anything they need.Chthonian Pyrokinesis: Nilaes can create, shape, and manipulate Chthonian fireChthonian Cryokinesis: Nilaes can create, shape, and manipulate Chthonian Ice

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